
The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) is an educational and professional organization comprised of members committed to upholding the highest professional standards.

These guidelines aim to inform the membership about ethical practices that improve client experiences, relationships among colleagues, and the acceptance of our field. As ISAR members, our fundamental obligation is to protect the welfare of the individuals and communities with whom we interact.

Though we each have personal ethics and morals that govern our behavior, our professional standards govern our responsibilities as community members in the field of astrology. These guidelines address those situations where our conduct may compromise our profession and reduce the public's trust in astrology and astrologers.

All members of ISAR have a responsibility to read, understand, and follow the Ethical Standards and Guidelines. ISAR created the guidelines to clarify the nature of its members' ethical obligations and inspire astrologers to higher standards of conduct. Ignorance of the guidelines is not an acceptable defense against a charge of unethical behavior.

The guidelines cover various specialties, perspectives, and methodologies in astrology and interactions with the public, such as teaching, supervision, conferences, and research. We recognize that standards change over time, and our awareness of ethical issues evolves, so this code is a living document subject to regular revisions and updates.

As we cannot expressly cover every conceivable situation, consider and apply the spirit and intent of the principles when interpreting the guidelines. The absence of a specific standard or guideline against a particular kind of conduct does not mean it is ethical.

Adherence to a dynamic set of ethical standards requires personal commitment and lifelong diligence to act ethically, to encourage ethical behavior in our colleagues, and to consult with others concerning ethical issues when necessary.

ISAR offers services to educate the community and assist astrologers in upholding these principles and reserves the right to revoke membership or CAP status.


As an ISAR member, I seek to uphold the following eight essential statements that apply to all branches and practices in astrology:

1. I put the well-being of others first. This prime directive supersedes all others: do no harm. At all times, I act in the best interest of those I interact with as an astrologer.

2. I support those who seek astrological perspectives or counsel with sensitivity and respect. I recognize their autonomy and encourage them to make their own decisions.

3. I never needlessly frighten others with extreme and insensitive predictions and statements, nor do I create false hopes. I affirm that every astrological configuration can manifest in a variety of ways.

4. I maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information given in private except in situations where silence would be grievously harmful to the client or another person.

5. I maintain appropriate and clear boundaries with others regarding my personal needs and goals, whether they are sexual, financial, or emotional. I recognize the influence and power inherent in my role as an astrologer, and I put aside my own needs when in conflict with the well-being of those I serve.

6. I maintain and constantly improve my professional skills, and I practice only within the boundaries of my expertise, referring people elsewhere when appropriate.

7. I am familiar with those parts of the ISAR Ethical Standards and Guidelines that apply to my branch of astrology. I resolve to remain true to the spirit of its principles and agree to cooperate respectfully with the ISAR Ethics process if named in any complaint.

8. I conduct myself professionally when representing astrology, treat my colleagues with respect, and behave in a manner that garners respect for the profession.


When considering whether a behavior or course of action is ethical, apply the following seven foundational principles to guide your decisions. This framework has been adopted by the American Counseling Association (2014) and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (2018).

1. Autonomy is the respect for another’s free will or agency to decide what is best for them in any given situation.

2. Beneficence is the commitment to improve others’ well-being and to act in their best interest.

3. Non-maleficence is the commitment to avoid harming clients.

4. Fidelity is honoring our professional commitments and keeping our word.

5. Veracity is a commitment to the truth.

6. Justice is a commitment to the fair and egalitarian treatment of all we encounter as astrologers.

7. Self-respect is fostering a sense that astrologers are also entitled to self-care and respect.